Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Terry and I am the owner of Storefront House was designed for a special purpose. And the purpose of this web site is to direct people to home based Internet ventures that have been thoroughly researched and proven effective.

Loosing your job slows your entire life down to a crawl, and it becomes devastating especially when you have a family to feed, I have read that some people have actually committed suicide as a result of this misfortune. It really shows you what we are facing here in this world.

Studies shows that suicides, along with alcohol, drug abuse and domestic violence increased during times of economic depression. Just the thought of this very fact sends chills down my spine. We are such fragile creatures mentally and physically. We go through a lot of stress and strain through out our lives, when we see things go the way that it should, it helps lift some of the weight off our shoulders so we can breath.

I feel that sheer love, compassion, and respect for all things that exists, makes the world go around, but in reality money is what makes the world go round. You need money to pay those bills that have been pressing down on you, to be able to put your kids through school, and to be able to buy their first car.

Let me tell you a time when I decided to become financially stable online during some very hard times. I had to work 2 jobs while trying to complete college with a wife and a newborn. My wife and I had terrible credit, there was just too much coming at us all at once. I started seeing some advertisements on TV and online announcing how much money we could make by starting a online business, I was afraid that if I invest money in these ventures that it would not work or there has to be some kind of trick and I could not afford to loose money when my family and I were already having a hard time. I felt that it would be a big gamble especially with the fact that my family depended on me to provide for us.

I went for it and I noticed that while the programs promised that I would make a lot of money and something BIG would happen in my life, we were just sinking deeper, trying desperately to make some kind of income from this venture. It did not work the program was a failure with no money back guarantee, no support team to help me through, I felt used and broke. But it did not stop our mission of providing for our family through a very profitable online home business.

I have made it my mission to rid the internet of noneffective home ventures because I know that if I could redirect people to something that will work for them, then those fly by night online businesses are out of luck, and you the public will be able to thrive online with support, guidance, and direction! I was not going to give up!! And you shouldn't give up either. Just go to my website at where you are always welcomed my door is always open, your money making success story is inside waiting for you!! Come and Visit My Storefront House.

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